Meet the scientist: Kate Ackerman

There can be few experiences more heartbreaking than learning a newborn infant has a severe, life-threatening disorder. Dr. Kate Ackerman...

Smile: Teledentistry Works

Nearly 51 million school hours are lost annually in the U.S. due to dental-related problems. Moreover, poor oral health has...

Five with Jeffrey Runner

Jeffrey Runner joined the University of Rochester faculty in 1994 and has chaired the Department of Linguistics since 2014. In...

Arts and Music for All

A world-class music school, one of the few University-affiliated arts museums, and a newly formed Institute for the Performing Arts....

Hope for Humanity

Ian Manzi knows how to analyze data and think critically. He also knows that solving the world’s most pressing challenges...

A pursuit for the better

Speaking at Celebrate Meliora: Boston last fall, Jamal Jefferson described his educational journey and expressed gratitude for the support he’s...