The mysterious aftermath of an infamous pirate raid Assistant professor of history Pablo Sierra Silva has embarked on research for his second book, which will trace the paths...
Knox elected fellow of National Academy of Inventors This week the University of Rochester professor of optics is among the latest fellows to be elected to the National Academy...
Two University researchers earn $1.5 million grants Two University of Rochester researchers were recently awarded separate $1.5 million grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is...
Caring for the whole person At the University of Rochester’s School of Medicine and Dentistry (SMD), Mike Kelly works hard to understand a patient’s life...
Five with James VanDemark James VanDemark is a renowned professor of double bass at the Eastman School of Music. His former students hold positions...
Many roads to Italy Dr. Arnold Lisio ’56, ’60M (MD) grew up hearing stories about Italy from his Italian father and Italian American mother....
Maggie Curran ’19 I came to Italy in late August for the fall of 2017 semester in late August, and am actually still...
Adam Sorrentino ’18 I went to Italy during the summer of 2017 and participated in the San Martino Archaeological Field School. The typical...
Deanna Peterangelo ’16, ’17 (T5) I had heard about Take Five since my freshman year, however it was only in my junior year that I...
Mingxuan Teng ’18 Because of it, I could participate in the San Martino Archeological Field School in the summer of 2017, a program...