Learning and sharing through art

Mary Ann Monley & William Rice
Rochester, NY
Art has always played an important role in Mary Ann Monley and William (Bill) Rice’s lives. They both took art classes in college, which instilled a lifelong appreciation for art and how it connects people from all walks of life. Art even brought them together — they met each other at the Memorial Art Gallery.
“I became a docent at the MAG shortly after moving to Rochester from New Jersey,” said Mary Ann, who soon began working part-time and then full-time for the Gallery. She was introduced to Bill by a docent. “We share a love of art and art galleries, and connecting with people through them.
In her role as administrator of Volunteer Services and Tours at the Gallery, Mary Ann interacts with visitors and volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. She especially enjoys interacting with children and their teachers and chaperones on school tours of the Gallery, and describes training docents as among the favorite parts of her job. Other favorites include Gallery programs such as the Family and Community Days, which highlight specific cultures through; the new Art at the Bedside program at Monroe Community Hospital; and Meet Me at the MAG, a monthly art therapy program for Alzheimer’s patients and their care partners that is now in its fifth year. Mary Ann is also a member of the Gallery Council, where she participates in events and ensures volunteers feel appreciated for all the work they do for the Gallery.
Mary Ann and Bill help support the Memorial Art Gallery and all its programs through their George Eastman Circle membership. “We decided to join the George Eastman Circle when it first started, and have continued to renew it because it’s an important and wonderful way to make the MAG more accessible to people,” said Mary Ann. “Plus, we get to meet other members and enjoy special events in New York City and Rochester — especially Meliora Weekend.”
“The Memorial Art Gallery adds a new dimension to our lives,” added Bill.“We enjoy its comprehensive collection and programs, and making it possible for other people to enjoy similar experiences. Our membership is our way of taking part in and enabling lifelong learning and sharing through art.”
—Nancy Zawacki, May 2017