Endowed scholarships are enduring gifts
Once a Hoffman, Always a Hoffman
Endowed scholarships are among the most enduring gifts that can be made at the University. There are few that demonstrate this as well as the Nancy and Marvin Hoffman Medical Scholarship at the School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Since 1972, there have been more than 50 Hoffman Scholars, of whom many built lasting relationships with their scholarships’ namesakes, Marvin J. Hoffman ’45, ’50M (Res) and the late Nancy Yanes-Hoffman ’50, ’68 (MA).
Although Hoffman Scholars span more than four decades, their shared gratitude gives them a single voice, one that grows stronger every year.
Many thanks for all you have done for me and many others by your generosity and by example.
– Amy Weil, ʼ94M (MD)
I am sure there are many other Hoffman scholars with stories similar to mine. They are testimonies of how your lives touched ours.
– Immanuel Ho, ʼ84, ʼ88M (MD)
You took genuine and very warm interest in our lives, past and present; our families, our interests, aspirations, and our struggles.
However, more important than the financial assistance the scholarship has given me, I have been able to develop a relationship with you that I treasure deeply.
– Brian Pisula, ʼ13M (MD)
Your scholarship made medical school a reality for me.
Without the Hoffman Scholarship, I would not have been able to fulfill my dream of attending medical school at the University of Rochester.
It is fair to say that without your generous endowment, I may have chosen to not enroll at this university.
The Hoffman Scholarship allowed me to pursue my passion—a career in family medicine and public health—without having to worry about an unbearable debt load.
I have just joined United Healthcare as a medical director as a way to contribute to the changes needed to improve our current health care delivery system.
I trained in pathology at Duke University and have been a practicing pathologist in Raleigh, NC for the past 27 years.
Your scholarships have touched not only me, but many others who have been able to take your financial gift and turn it into a very productive medical career.
Your support was invaluable early in my path to becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon.
“As the years have gone by, I have come to appreciate more and more the legacy that you have provided at the University of Rochester through the Hoffman Scholar Fund.”
– Philip Greenland, ʼ74M (MD), ʼ78M (Res)

From left to right: Madison Pilato ’15M, Michelle Nessen ’18M, Nancy Yates Hoffman, Marvin Hoffman, Patrick Baker ’15M, Ritika Walia ’17M
Start your scholar family
It only takes one gift. With an endowed scholarship, you establish a bridge that allows students to realize the aspirations they have for their career, their life, and their impact on the world. To learn more, contact Stephen A. Dare, senior associate vice president for University Advancement, at (585) 275-7530.
—Matt Cook, May 2017